1/I'm so wary of wading into this #securitizationtheory #copenhagenschool bullshit, but since #LeneHansen along with people like #KarinFierke were such an influence on my understanding of the world, and discovering Crit Sec, I feel like I have to say something.
2/It's not going to be much, but I don't think the best way to start a debate is by (mis)identifying a non homogeneous group of thinkers with a school, and then labeling that structurally "Racist". Then acting surprised and outraged when they might take some umbridge at that.
3/A few years ago I'd have been all over this, on the barricades or whatever. But it's now and I'm not. It's just always so telling that when the actual social world, reality as such is tilting on its axis, in a time of catastrophe, potential, possibility, battles to fight
4/everywhere, that *this* is the fight that a sub field of academia decides to engage itself with. One which is so relevant to what is happening,what is to come, what will shape the future whe chose or is chosen for us. It saddens me deeply. I know that in the neoliberal academy
5/it's vital, to sell oneself as unique in terms of ones research, agenda, publication, collaborations, networks and on and on and on. Are there valid points in the original paper? Yes absolutely. Were they presented in a strategically inflamatory way? I think also yes
6/Were the responses made in good faith? Yes (fuckssake, how would you react if someone implied your lifes work was foundationally racist)? Can we make an active attempt to detach a valid academic debate from twitter bullshit and listserv virtue signalling? Also yes. Will We? No.
7/Don't @ me, I couldn't give a shit and I don't want to be involved in it at all. Does that make me a white, privileged, middle class, bourgeois opt-out? Probably. Do I have much much bigger things to worry about now? Also yes. I'm only making this thread because I feel a debt
8/To certain individuals who I've never met, but whose work has contributed to my realisation of this privilege, along with the multiple violences which characterise lived experience. People who set me on a path that I still don't have a clue where it ends. #SecuritizationTheory
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