I said I wouldn't do a deep dive but I've had a few people who are white question whether Joe Biden's #YouAintBlack statement is being taken out of context or suggest people are overreacting, so I'll explain.

"You ain't black" is disrespectful in ANY context
There's been a growing level of comfort amongst white liberals in recent years to "call out" and police black people simply for being free.
Similar to why people got upset with Lana Del Rey yesterday. Peter Rosenberg of Hot 97 is another one who does it often.
White folks are allowed like anyone to comment on things and make jokes or observations. But when you position yourself as "down with the culture" and then start trying to police said culture and dictate who can do what, that's where we have to assess your angle.
Back to Biden and #YouAintBlack. It's not too many steps away from white liberals who have gotten comfortable calling black people Uncle Tom's or c**ns. Such rhetoric within the black community already serves no purpose. Done by an outsider, it's just not acceptable
Lastly and most importantly, when Joe Biden says #YouAintBlack if you don't vote for him, that's pimp talk. It's saying "I have you already and why would you ever even question me?"

Remember, Biden said that after @cthagod said he had more questions to ask.
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