Let's talk Modesty [THREAD]

An often controversial topic, modesty is one of the most important topics to approach these days, and most catholic women completely avoid it.

Fortunately, the Church has made magisterial decisions on the topic, and women are bound to obey them.
"But are these statements Ex Cathedra?"
Sola Ex Cathedra is a condemned proposition.

"Are they part of the magisterium?"
Yes, because they pertain to morals and the Popes have solemnly pronounced rules for all Catholic women to obey regarding modesty on pain of mortal sin.
"Are Castity and Modesty directly linked?"
Yes, and any woman that fails in her duties regarding modesty sins all the more for causing lack of chastity in men.

"How does one practice modesty?"
There are two modesty types: personal and social.
Personal is in regards to our own senses, mainly to our eyes, so basically, regarding where and what we look at.

What is social modesty? The virtue of protecting other's chastity by our efforts, mainly, in how we dress.
"Is social immodesty sinful?"

Yes, and gravely so, no matter what sophists trying to hide their sins say. It is especially an attack on the virtue of Charity.

"Is it mortal or venial?"

Almost always mortal, due to it's gravity.
"Is modesty in dress important?"

Yes, it is in fact the most important aspect of modesty and one of the most important facets of charity.
"How do women respond?"
Many if not most refuse to admit that their half naked figure can ever cause lust in someone else, instead turning like a snake and saying: "It is they who have dirty minds".
"Why do women act like this?"
Ignorance and ill-will towards men; arrogance and lack of knowledge regarding Christian virtue.
"But don't men have a dirty mind?"
WRONG. God made women precisely for the pleasure of man, and due to the fall and original sin, man is now made to combat this, and for that, he requires the help of all Catholic women, who duty as well it is not to incite men.
"Why is the sense of modesty lost in women?"

They have lost throughout their life, due to the influences of the pagan and masonic world, any sense of christian virtue, and their parents are to blame for not instilling it again in them.
"Is it then the parents' duty to educate them in this sense?"
Yes, especially the father by command as he is the responsible for their external and public actions, and the mother by example.
"Is there any other way in which children lose their sense of modesty?"

Yes! By the media, television, and even by their play dolls, which for the most part are immodestly dressed and incite immodesty in the child from a young age.
"How can a woman that has lost all sense of modesty judge what to wear?"

She cannot. She must always ask someone else regarding this topic, preferable a male catholic in her family.
"But isn't modesty a matter of customs?"

Wrong. Pius XII condemns that proposition. There is an objective Catholic norm, as with just about everything else of such importance. Any that justify immodesty on the basis of customs are wrong.
"Can Catholic women not follow the fashions?"

No, they may not. Remember Fátima.
And now, to finish, is there any Church ruling on the exact standards of female modesty?

The answer is a resounding yes. Pope Pius XI and XII both proclaimed Magisterium that all Catholic women must follow regarding the way they dress, which is the following (next tweet):
Marian Modesty:
1. Sleeves beyond the elbow.
2. Skirts below at least 8cm from the knees.
3. No pants.
4. Full covering of the body; the only exceptions are the face and the neck.
5. No transparent tissue permitted.
6. No skin colour clothing.
7. The clothing must hide, and not exalt, the female figure.
8. The clothes must cover the body entirely, even after the jacket, etc, is removed and the woman is sitting down.
These are the solemn commands stated by the Sacred Congregation in 1930, approved by Pius XI and then by Pius XII, and which must be followed by all catholic women, under pain of mortal or venial sin.
The majority of the topics approached and their respective answers are based on the wonderful book "Marian Guide to Modesty" by Leonard A. Bauer, with the Papal Nihil Obstat.
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