Why hasn’t there been an investigative expose about the Overwatch League crumbling? Teams with reported ~$60 million buy-ins falling apart, the human impact of the league’s flux? I’ve been talking about this with a lot of people lately, and here’s my take:
Caveats: So many smart people in esports media whose work I respect. I’m just going to point out the systemic problems that make investigative esports journalism particularly challenging. I once reported an article on this that I never published. Analysis relies on those sources
Esports journalism is thankless. If you think the current media climate is shit--and it is--talk to the esports journalists told they’re reporting on a $1 billion industry, the-next-big-thing, and getting paid $0 to $20 an article.
There are so few full-time jobs, especially after esports publication after esports publication has folded. Volatility is the norm. Many who remain know they might risk crucial access to the next big event if they investigate dirty realities.
For years, if you dared critique or investigate an esports scene, lots of readers wrote you off as a hateful outsider. Fandom elides into authority, and how could you be an authority if you are willing to critique? How could you be a fan and “stunt” a scene’s growth?
(I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to wave my “I play competitive Smash” card after someone’s dismissal of my Smash reporting.)
And then, views. It’s difficult to do esports coverage that appeals to a mainstream audience. Hell, it’s difficult to do coverage that appeals to gamers who don’t play your game. Coverage is technical, readership is fragmented. Real breakout stories often require real resources.
With that said, esports journalism is ahead of the curve on a lot of media trends. Twitter journos with viral scoops. YouTube journos pulling together other personalities for more exposure. This is just a handful of people, though. And not a lot of women and minorities.
I hope a solution comes. So many brilliant & innovative reporters in this field. And (for better or worse) new college courses offering esports reporting classes. But the truth may be that there isn’t as much mainstream interest in esports as savvy businesspeople want us to think
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