In my long haul covid group and it’s immensely powerful:

“Are you still fighting this illness or have you surrendered?

Fighting can do the body more harm than good, and that it’s important for us to surrender to what our bodies are going through and trust our body to heal us.
Her wisdom does not mean stop any protocols for returning to health (ie any medicines, herbs, breathing treatments, etc). It just means that if you allow your body the time it needs from a conscious and subconscious perspective then you are not fighting against it.
It's been a long road since I first got ill but this new mindset really struck a chord with me and has allowed me the grace to accept that the healing process will come on its own timeline. I'm not forcing it or trying to meet some madeup deadline that I should be feeling better”
All the pressure I’ve felt and put on myself came from me. Yes, people asking “you’re still not better?!” Contributed, but not daily. We all knew there were people like us, and still we feel we should be better “by now” when we don’t have any info to suggest that.
We are part of the first wave. Doctors/scientists are doing the best they can the fastest they can. It’s frustrating to “not know” but we’re doing ourselves a disservice to think (with little basis) we “should” be anything. Trust that you will get better. It helps you get better.
Be kind to yourselves. I hope this helps ♥️
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