it's not just the players' safety that should be under consideration! there are literally hundreds of people involved in making games happen, what's the plan to keep them safe too??
Just off the top of my head, each team will have with them athletic trainers, therapists and doctors, their equipment team, their social media and PR teams, their entire media crews -- radio and TV, and all of the production staff involved there (from sound ppl to makeup ppl) 2/
Idk maybe that's only an additional 15 people, probably more tho and each team will have them

Now add in arena staff -- all the folks who keep the ice cold and the building running, from the janitorial crews to maintenance teams. That's not a small number of people, surely 3/
You also need catering teams, esp if you're playing tourney style, multiple games per day. You gotta keep all those people fed. I imagine the teams will travel with their own chefs, but who's supplying food locally? Where are they prepping it? How's it transported? 4/
Now consider you're holing these guys up in hotels when they're playing. How are they getting to/from the hotel/arena? How/when do the staff at these designated hotels interact with teams? Has the NHL bought out these places entirely, or will they have other guests? 5/
Do all of these people -- all of these many people affecting literally every component of these precious playoffs -- do they isolate too? Will they go home to their families etc, or will the NHL also ask them to avoid the outside world for the duration of this tournament? 6/
How are you ensuring that EVERYONE involved is safe? If you (o NHL) push these playoffs to happen, how will you make certain that no one gets sick? And, how will answer if/when someone does? If it's ~just a member of the arena staff, or hotel worker, is that okay? 7/
THIS is what I'm so honking worried about, and what I feel those pushing for hockey to come back haven't considered as thoroughly as they should. I love hockey and I miss it to pieces and I do not want to watch anyone be sacrificed so that Bettman can award the Cup this year /FIN
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