A. Because I've read the US Constitution B. I believe in decentralization

It's not a feminist issue or pro choice position, it's a small Gov one that many pro lifers support. Ill remind you, many States with the strongest limits on abortion depend on State autonomy to enact them https://twitter.com/Prolife_Sam/status/1263856346488807427
Very odd that someone could think centralized federal policy would result in better pro life protection. I get that morally, some think it's murder, & I'm not sharing my view on it. Practically, when a Dem gets elected, why would a pro lifer want abortion legislation federalized?
A pro lifers best chance at protecting pro life legislation is to support decentralization & State autonomy. Otherwise, when a psycho far left Democrat wins, if you have abortion legislation decided unilaterally at the Federal level -- well, to put it politely, you're screwed.
Ending this here. I was serious that I will not be discussing my personal view, period. Accusing me of wanting to murder people is not an effective way to back me into a corner to reveal my personal views. I'm not giving them. Feel free to continue amongst yourselves:) God bless!
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