why The Woman Called Fujiko Mine fucking rocks and you should give it a chance: a thread
To start, TWCFM is NOT FOR EVERYONE; huge content warning for nudity, r*pe, su*cide, ch*ld p*rnography, dr*ug use, torture, blackmailing- it’s a LOT. Its actually a ton like the source material though, which is. Unfortunate
gettin into the good: it is the first and only lupin property directed by a woman, Sayo Yamamoto! And it is the first lupin property that doesn’t have the monky man himself as the main character, which should warrant a second look if nothing else!
The ART STYLE!! ❤️❤️💦 heavily based on the line weight, expressiveness, and general grit of Monkey Punch’s manga art, TWCFM has an incredibly unique and cool art direction and animation (look at these ANGLES!! EXAGGERATION!!)
Influences like Perfect Blue and film noir make it a delight to watch, strung together with surreal and strange visuals that make my heart go 💖💖💖
Getting into the meat of the show, I think lupin himself is at his greatest here. He’s cocksure and wild but watching him come to really respect fujiko as a woman and a rival and befriend Jigen is just great (he makes him dinner as a show of affection, v cute)
Jigen’s story is tragic- it twists the narrative of power, an example of a man being forced into things he absolutely didnt want by a woman with power- coercion, gaslighting, and pressure that leads to sex and violence he absolutely did not want.
Goemon is a total chad, absolutely baller but still kinda a himbo, wrongly assuming fujiko is his “girlfriend” despite the fact she very much isn’t. Pray for this man (he’s very funny in TWCFM, and is important in the exploration of male view of women)
The biggest change and thing people hate the most is Zenigata- and as a zenigata Stan, I cant help but agree. In TWCFM, he’s corrupt, sexist, and cruel- a far cry from the sweet if not bumbling inspector we all love. He comes around eventually, but it takes WAY too long
That leads me to overall thoughts- It is, at its core, about men’s view of women. how they try to box them up into being one thing when women are just. not. They’re nuanced, real, not one thing; and the show explores that through the views of the men of the Lupin Gang and fujiko
TDLR; The Woman called Fujiko Mine is a dark femme power fantasy exploring the men’s gaze of women with a unique and stunning art style- while it is very heavy in its triggering content, I think it’s worth the watch if you feel are okay witnessing the content warned above!
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