In all my years of romantic or chicklit TV series have I come across a character like Jin-a Yoon of Something In The Rain on Netflix. She struggled with maintaining boundaries, poor decision making & used avoidance which included dishonesty.

I looveeee her character growth.
I wondered why she'd be unnecessarily dishonest with Jun-hin. I noticed other ways she avoided expressing her feelings, conflict, etc, esp. with loved ones. It was a defensive mechanism she used in coping with her overly critical mom. It was a huge communication barrier until..
..she learnt how to set & maintain boundaries, communicate better, prioritise herself, face challenges head on, analyse her feelings, take accountability and not just say empty "I'm sorry". With these lessons she chose to stay in Korea and not avoid her life problem.😭
This decision made me wail till I got an headache, Jun-hin cried, it broke his heart and ended their relationship. It would have been easier to leave behind her disapproving mom, snitching colleagues & her sexual harrassment complaint. But she'd grown! It reminded of this thread
I do love that Jun-hin's personality, communication skills, advice and live encouraged her to improve but that growth was different from what their relationship needed. Life.
advice and love*
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