To those arguing for vote by mail, to get the average American to agree with this convenience, you need to overcome some actual reasonable objections, not attempt to drown your fellow American’s out because "Orange Man is Bad"

1 Voter rolls are full of ineligible voters; 1/x
this includes those that have lost the right to vote, moved or are dead. Until the voter rolls are validated, fraud is guaranteed

2 Family members voting for others in same household; it is illegal to let your husband or wife fill out your ballot for you with or without 2/x
their consent. Filling out grandma's ballot is a crime. When you vote at a polling booth you are not allowed to have another person present to “cast your vote for you”. This clear form of fraud needs to have a reasonable safeguard

3 Counterfeit ballots; If you expressed 3/x
concern about Russian interference in 2016 election, just wait for universal mail in ballots. North Korea, Iran, Russia, China or a non-state bad actor can easily counterfeit existing mail in ballots (they do not even need to be good counterfeits). Imagine the chaos of 4/x
millions of counterfeit ballots… or even just a few thousand ballots specifically targeted is a few key races, for voters on rolls that did not vote otherwise, sending in multiple ballots from same “voter” for both R & D slates causing legitimate ballots (or votes in person) 5/x
to be invalidated or questioned. If they have the “technology” to counterfeit $1 bills they can easily counterfeit existing ballots

4 Party in control placing partisan anti-privacy provisions on ballot rules; In some cases you are required to sign & identify your party 6/x
affiliation on the OUTSIDE of the envelope & then hand the ballot to a 3rd party, Federal government employees at the USPS. There is NO justifiable reason for requiring either a signature or party affiliation on the outside of an envelope, its just a form of voter suppression 7/x
Ballot security “custody” is broken the minute it is transferred from a ballot box to a mail drop. This becomes a significant issue if we move from 10’s of thousand Absentee Ballots to millions of mail in ballots. There needs to be a notification procedure that properly 8/x
notifies you that your ballot was received & can check your votes online

If you are unwilling to accept any of these issues as being valid & unwilling to work to improving our voting system to allow for secure Mail-In option, then you are accepting of fraud for partisan purpose
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