THREAD: If you boil down “good bloodlines” to it's essential meaning, it means “everyone who is not me is expendable.” Remember that when you hear someone talk about “good bloodlines.” Sooner or later your bloodline won’t be good enough to save you or your family. /1
Because "good bloodlines" is racist language (eugenics), it signals that leaders who speak this way are deeply entrenched in classist, domination-driven models of masculine culture. For them, every action is designed to accrue wealth and power to the top. To them. /2
Domination driven systems of government result in chaotic and destructive cycles of corruption and incompetence. The current response to Covid-19 by authoritarian leaders in Brazil, the US, Russia, show how little these leaders care about their people. And how inept they are. /3
We know diverse and inclusive organizations are dramatically more innovative, innovative, produce long term value creation. As diverse a range of people as possible in top leadership positions is key to top performance. See Deloitte's study here: /4
Quantifiable and demonstrable proof that the idea of a superior race is horseshit. /5
Leaders who talk about "good bloodlines," because they align with domination-based models of masculinity, seeking to accrue all wealth/power to themselves, stunt and eliminate innovation and productivity, grow corruption. The result is systemic national collapse. /6
As inevitable economic and social collapse increases, authoritarian leaders double down on attacking those whose oppose them sewing chaos and dysfunction, accelerating the spiral down. Authoritarian supporters, the base, become expendable." /7
The pool of those individuals who qualify as having "good bloodlines" shrinks dramatically, because its not actually about bloodlines at all. It's about who remains useful to the authoritarian in power. If dying helps him, you will die. /8
White nationalism, racism, systems that exclude fully diverse populations from leadership, are dramatically low performing across the board. The more extreme their systemic enforcement of racism, the more quickly they will accelerate internal systemic collapse. /9
As authoritarians fail, people who are in their inner circle become expendable. Eventually, their so called "good bloodlines" don't even include their own family members. /10
So, if you're banking on your race, class, or religion instead of the dynamic and innovative power of wider human diversity, get ready to be expendable. /11
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