As hundreds of thousands of citizens across the state wait for Governor Evers to take their pleas for help seriously, the Governor’s right hand man, @LGMandelaBarnes , hosted a teleconference on global warming.
@LGMandelaBarnes could not be sending a worse message to the hardworking taxpayers of Wisconsin. I suggest the Lt. Governor focuses his time on serving the people of Wisconsin with issues that are immediately facing them.
WI was one of last states in the nation to start paying the $600 federal unemployment payment and continues to not be paying Pandemic Unemployment Assistance to individuals not eligible for state unemployment. WI is one of the last states in the nation to not be paying PUA.
The ‘Green New Deal’ supported by @LGMandelaBarnes not only does nothing to help the 675,000 left in peril due to his lack of leadership, it also would eviscerate as many as 10 million jobs nationwide.
The void left by a lack of leadership from @GovEvers and @LGMandelaBarnes has been felt by hundreds of thousands of families across WI now going to sleep each night wondering how they’ll afford their next meal and diapers.
The level of tone-deafness exhibited by Governor Evers and Lt. Governor Barnes resembles that of the band on the deck of the titanic.
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