Just releasing our second report on policy preferences re COVID-19. National level this time, next week we will have state level numbers.

w @Ognyanova @matthewabaum @dellavolpe @royperlis @MauSantillana Jamie Druckman @hanyuchwe Alexi Quintana

http://COVIDstates.org  1/N
Some interesting findings:

1) Large, bipartisan, majorities still reluctant about reopening now; but there is a widening partisan divide on this. 2/N
2) Even as states begin to reopen, most (58%) of Americans say they will stick to staying home.

3) COVID-approval for the President and Governors is drifting downwards-- 3 points for the President, and 6 points for Governors (on average). 4/N
4) HUGE differences wrt to income/education in terms of economic impact

Lower income/education much more likely to be laid off, and if working, to not be working at home.

5) Big differences in health-related concerns. Non-white Americans much more concerned about getting sick, and about having access to healthcare. 6/N
6) Compliance with COVID-related behaviors has relaxed across a series of behaviors; but with one major exception: more people are wearing face masks. 7/N
7) Here too there are partisan divides, but solid majorities adhering to recommended behaviors among both parties.
8) Trust in scientists/health care provides remains very high. Political figures far less so...

9) A large majority supports making it easier to vote by mail, including a plurality of Republicans.


cc @craignewmark
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