Everyday it becomes less and less clear why exactly I went into so much debt, went through so much bullshit just to have 2 degrees that employers actually don’t give a fuck about because “eXpErIeNcE”
We are in the biggest public health emergency of most of our lifetimes and here I am with 2 public health degrees for .... what exactly???
6 years of working through school in several different temporary/part time jobs/internships and not to mention classes themselves but somehow that experience don’t actually mean shit?
Almost everything that I’ve been told abt going to college, and getting a job and what you are “supposed” to is an absolute lie, because the reality is this shit is not fair at all and you either get lucky or you don’t. And if you’re black the don’t is more likely.
Just go to any “good” college “it will pay for itself” “there are scholarships everywhere” - LIES
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