Today there was a knock on my door and I found a couple of 12-year old kids outside offering to wash cars for a bit of cash and because they are bored. I had a little think and debated on balance they were probably not going to lure me somewhere and steal my car or mug me 1/
(who knew I was so cynical?!) So I got in my car and drove up the road as requested to one of their houses - where the hose and kit was. As I sat in my car I wondered if actually they had sent their older siblings to rob my empty flat in my absence! (SO CYNICAL!) 2/
They came out with a bucket, hose, sponges, and all the other things I seem to remember using to wash cars as a kid in the 90s. They spent a good 20mins scrubbing my filthy car whilst chatting and laughing, and then asked me to inspect and decide how much to pay them. 3/
I asked if they were saving for anything in particular and they both said "yes, for something to make our friend happy". That was it, I was done for. £15 each. Seriously, I have never seen shock and excitement like it. "ARE YOU SURE?" I forgot how much that is when you're 12! 4/
(we won't tell them some of if was guilt money because of my cynicism and my frankly revolting car which they did a super job on) I just really wanted them to have something leftover for them to treat themselves too, which they said they would. 5/
Anyway, I've been on the balcony all arvo since this, and they've been back and forth, chatting to me about all the cars they've washed, telling me they will clap extra loud on Thursdays now they know I'm a doctor, and I feel a bit warm and fuzzy 6/
They've done well. I've also given them chocolate and biscuits, and brought Thor bunny out for them to meet too. Befriended their mum too. Answered questions about whether I've seen someone who has eaten their own poo before - my answer solidified the friendship... 7/
(With them! Possibly not with their mum, who is also delightful😳) I don't really have a particularly exciting end to this story; it's just been a really nice afternoon😊 (and also kids really are just amazing, aren't they?) 8/8
Oh, I forgot that they also offered to wash it for free next time ❤❤❤
Gosh this got more attention than expected, glad it brought smiles to so many!
(Am I meant to promote a soundcloud now? What even is that? I'd rather just get tweeted by one of the Backstreet Boys, so if anyone can make that happen...😉) Stay safe! #WashYourHands
So...I need to just specify it was a girl and a boy (can't reply to all comments individually) 😊 I've told them about their Twitter fame and they are over the moon 🤣
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