#EXO #EXOL ERI’S I don’t know if someone has tweeted or found an EXO Easter egg like this or if I’m just late but I found some creepy stuff. Remember the path code teasers during the exodus era. Well I was rewatching them and then I was reading the WAR repackage comic(read below)
And then I figured out that the they were wearing THE SAME OUTFITS(I couldn’t find Tao because he left the group :’( or Lay because he was not there during the promotion :”( but I did find the others wearing the exact same thing). It will be more clearer if y’all read n watch it
please note that they’re wearing extra gears but if we take them off they’re basically wearing THE SAME FREAKING THING this is just-
1.Sehun (he’s the one one who caught my eyes)
6.Kai (the shirt is white in the comics, it’s just the shading)
It’ll be more clearer when you read the comics and when you see all the path codes. Please reply if you guys have theories. And you guys can share this thread :) follow me @thatexogirl
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