whos' this prick? I checked they are on my blocklist. but if anyone want to paint their own racist, shitty views onto my little friendly fun mouse they can fuck right off!
now I know i'm not good at not swearing so I can't stop being me but people like that need to get a life. Fuck them that's really mean of them.
and they aren't real. they aren't human and they aren't any religion, colour, gender, race etc. they are pixels on a screen from mouseland (They live in a city called Mousetropolis to be exact) so people can sod off with their h00mand flaws and leave my little mice alone
I'm probably not the 'best' face for a friendly/family orienatated bit of learning fun. I swear alot.. but yolo. I'm a kind person and i look after all my nephews and nieces etc. but i don't like hate. mouses are frens and they don't care about h00man crap. đŸ­â€ïžđŸ­
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