🚨1,000 Followers Thread🚨

Last night I reached 1,000 followers!

When I started this journey on April 2nd I had no idea just how rewarding it would be

I’ve met so many great people along the way and have had a blast interacting with all of you

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For anybody interested in growing a Twitter account here’s what I’ve learned

1. Quality is better than quantity

2. High quality tweets

3. Learn from those in your niche and other niches
1. Quality is better than quantity

Ahhh the old clichè

Well it’s true

I’ve realized now that total followers is an arbitrary number

Instead I enjoy the genuine connections and interactions I’ve had with people

Just enjoy the conversation and learn

That’s most important
2. High Quality Tweets

A lot of you may have noticed I don’t tweet a whole lot of original tweets

That’s because if I don’t have anything productive to say, why waste the space?

Instead, spend time quoting and replying to other tweets

That’s time well spent
3. Learn from those in your nichè and other nichès

Even if I had never made a dollar in Twitter, I’ve learned so much that it would be more than worth my time

For example, I’ve learned WAY more about investing

I learned to flip

I’ve also learned a bit about sales
There’s so many people willing to teach you whatever you want to learn

All you have to do is reach out in their dms

I’d like to give a thank you to people who have taught me so much of what I’ve learned

I apologize if I missed you

Truth is, I’ve learned from so many people
- @InvestmentTalkk
- @DivCultivator
- @CalebGregory304
- @javyandrade
- @TheeFinanceGuy

These guys took me under their wing when I knew much less than what I thought I knew about investing

Anytime I ask a question they take the time out of their day to answer it well
- @Kyle_Senes13
- @M_Smittyy1
- @CoachJoeHart
- @Chadthereseller

All these guys have been invaluable to my flipping experience

I never would have started if I didn’t win a free month from Mike for Joe’s course

Kyle and Chad helped me nail down a strategy
Thanks to everybody for all the help and support!

I hope I can be helpful to people that are in need of it too

Never be afraid to shoot me a dm, I love to hear from you guys!
You can follow @TreyCottone.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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