Rebbeca Millán is a thirsty ass bitch who LOVES fucking with taken people. I know it takes two to play the part but this girl is MAD thirsty y’all
let me tell y’all
She’s done fucked up like 3 relationships that I know of 😂 Fucked one of my girls boyfriend WHILE she was talking to someone herself.
this bitch does NOT leave jessica alone 😂 ik jessica ain’t no saint either but she be showing me how this 4 eye bird looking ass bitch dead ass LOOKS for her, follows and unfollows, likes and unlikes to get her attention.
im making this thread for all you ladies, have some respect for yourselves. If TWO people are LIVING together, why would you try and get in between that? If two people are together period, RESPECT that shit. Some of y’all are THIRSTY for taken people, CLAIM YO OWN
ima leave this here to show y’all i BEEN trying to tell this bitch to HAVE SOME DIGNITY 😂 she officially blocked me on all her social media but just this morning was all up on jessicas twitter. I can’t STAND YOU sloppy hoessss 🤣🤣
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