You women… Claim to love and empower other women, but constantly talk about how you have “haters” when no one is even studying you. Constantly mention how you’re above other women. Constantly talk about how other women are not deserving of love because of their looks/finances.
I notice you conceited, fake girlies. “You can’t keep up with a bitch like me!!!” Yall have the personalities of… A wanna be celebrity. You constantly feel the need to set yourself apart from other women due to superficial things. Some of you girls hate women just as much as men
Point is your girlies are ELITISTS who make sure everyone knows your hair, body, face, bank account, love life, etc. is flourishing, and regularly remind other women thst they don’t deserve the same things in life. Or thst they can’t obtain them because “it’s levels”...
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