So, over the past few months I have been meeting awesome and beautiful people that have serious issues, physical and mental. (Thread)
Desde los ultimos pocos meses he estado conociendo gente hermosa e increible que tienen serios problemas, tanto fisicos como mentales (Thread)
Let's get back 5 years ago. 6th grade. I was friends with this group of people that I liked a lot, but they were the usual group that bullies.
Remontemonos 5 años atras. 6to grado. Era amigo de un grupo de personas que me caia muy bien, pero era el grupo usual de los "bullies"
We were all making jokes and making fun of all of us, always as a joke, and that didn't bother me. But, in 7th grade, real bullying started attacking me
Haciamos bromas y nos reiamos entre nosostros, siempre como una broma y eso no me molestaba. Pero, en 7mo grado, comenzó.
I was told anything, horrible things. I literally once cried in front of the class. But, I kept my mouth shut, for fear to them.
Me decian de todo, cosas horribles. Literalmente llore una vez en frente de la clase. Pero, mantuve mi boca cerrada, por miedo a ellos
All this shit continued till the 21st of May of 2 years ago, 2108. I went to the principal, and told him what was happening between us
Todo esta mierda continuo hasta el 21 de Mayo de hace 2 años, 2018. Fui con el director, y le dije que estaba pasando
entre nosotros
Anyways, they apologized (tho I'm sure they didn't mean to) and never bothered me again. Moral: Don't keep your mouth shut. Never
Bueno, se disculparon (aunque no creo que lo hayan hecho en serio) y nunca mas me molestaron. Moraleja: No cierres tu boca. Nunca
Good, now, let's get back to last year, 2019. A terrible event for me occured last year. It will be tough to talk it here, but I lost my friends
Bien, ahora, remontemonos hacia el año pasado, 2019. Un evento terrible ocurrio. Es dificil de explicar por aca pero perdi a mis amigos
This happened aproximately in November. Through that month, and until January or so, I've had depression. And I couldn't be happy. There were no smiles
Esto paso aprox. en Noviembre. Durante ese mes, hasta Enero o asi, tuve depresion. Y no podia estar feliz. No habia sonrisas
And now, the first tweet of this thread has more sense now. And I adopted a philosophy that I will keep for my life.
Y ahora, el primer tweet de este hilo cobra mas sentidp. Y adopte una filosofia que la mantendre hasta que me muera
If I can't be happy, I will not let others be sad. I don't want to see anyone depressed, because it is a horrible feeling
Si no puedo ser feliz, no dejare que otros esten tristes. No quiero ver a nade depresivo, porque es un horrible sentimiento
PSD: Something that I didn't said. I thought 3 or 4 times of self-harm. But I never wanted to do it
PSD: Algo que no dije. Pense 2 o 3 veces en suicidio. Pero nunca he querido hacerlo
Anyways, this philosophy encouraged me to help other people solve their problems, or at least do whatever I can to make them feel better
En fin, esta filosofia me animo a ayudar a las personas a solucionar sus problemas, o al menos hacer todo lo que pueda para sentirse mejor
No matter what happens to me. I will always be with you. You can always count on me to deal with your problems.
No importa lo que me pase a mi. Siempre voy a estar con vos. Siempre podes contar conmigo para lidiar con tus problemas
Thanks for your time, and I love you. Don't forget that
Gracias por tu tiempo, y te quiero. Que no se te olvide
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