I swear the pro choice people who don't believe in choice when it comes to mandating you wear a piece of cloth over your face or shutting down your business, but believe in absolute choice when it comes to aborting a child until the very end are going to push me to be pro life.
They'll say "you don't have the right to get me sick!" I'm sorry, but what planet have you been living on? Have you ever lived through a cold or flu season in your life? Have you ever gone to a conference and come home with conference crud? People get each other sick ALL THE TIME
But when it comes to abortion - something that LITERALLY TAKES A LIFE, that results in killing a human being 100% of the time - that are totally cool with it no matter at what point it happens in the pregnancy. Not only are they cool with it, they celebrate it.
In fact, I've even had conversations with pro choice people who are like "well Karlyn, having an abortion isn't as bad as giving someone the virus." I'm sorry, WTF? By what insane convoluted logic? How does someone even come to that conclusion?
This virus is not going to kill the majority of people who get it, but abortion kills 100% of the time and they're cool with it...because it isn't contagious. So much for the "I'm wearing a mask to protect you" argument. They don't care about you. They only care about themselves.
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