Again, Trump went into a Ford plant and talked about Henry Ford's "good blood" and "good bloodlines." This is a direct reference to the concept that talent and worthiness are inherited and genetic, a cornerstone of fascistic philosophy.

This isn't saying Trump understands what he was saying or referencing, and he may very well have known exactly what he was doing, but it speaks to an inherent thing Trump believes and has talked about for decades: that people are born with superior genes.

To begin this story, we have to start with Henry Ford, a lauded American icon whose history is just filled with disgusting moments that have helped shape our modern world, its prejudices, and enabled some of the worst actors to wield murderous power.

Trump praised Ford as having "good blood," and we have to examine our dark history wherein Henry Ford was one of the foremost propagators of anti-semetic conspiracy theories that caused the Holocaust and have enabled continued fascism throughout the world.

Ford was first introduced to anti-semetic conspiracy theories aboard his "Peace Ship" he used to try and bring peace during World War I. He heard a rumor that Jews ran the world and, being gullible, quickly believed it.

He then dedicated his life to highlighting this rumor.

In his newspaper The Dearborn Independent, Ford started publishing completely false and inflammatory anti-semetic excerpts from conspiracy theories, telling readers that Jews controlled world affairs, causing wars, economic turmoil, and human suffering.

He collected these anti-semetic conspiracy theories in The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem.

It was an international bestseller and found an audience with prejudiced people around the world, including Adolf Hitler, who based his worldview around it.

The book was based on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion conspiracy, which was actually a plagiarized version The Dialogue In Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, a play that was actually criticizing WHITE SUPREMACIST political manipulation.

A quick note: all these conspiracies, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the New World Order, the Deep State, QAnon, Obamagate, all of it is a projection of white supremacist manipulation onto people of color.

It is an illusion to hide white supremacist machinations.

Like all authoritarians, Hitler used the International Jew conspiracy theory as a means to blame his country's problems on a vulnerable population in order to gain power to fight the problem.

Henry Ford gave Hitler his underlying narrative.

What the International Jew did for Hitler was give him an excuse as to why Germany lost World War I.

Like America, Germany believed itself exceptional and its defeat could only be because of outside manipulation and internal betrayal.

What Hitler, a veteran of WWI, crafted, was the "Knife In The Back" conspiracy, which alleged that European Jews and German liberals conspired to undermine the country's war efforts, meaning they needed dealt with like traitors.

This was a new national movement in Germany.

Hitler and the Nazi loved Ford. They called him Heinrich Ford and awarded him a medal on his 75th birthday.

Hitler kept a portrait of him in his office and expressed a desire to install him as a fascist president in the US and promised shocktroops to make it happen.

But any conversation about Henry Ford's influence over the Nazis would be incomplete without a larger discussion about the complex and strong relationship between the United States and Nazi Germany, which shared strong, strong ties in the early 20th century.

American and Germany history were linked by a common nationalist philosophy. In Germany, that idea eventually turned into Nazism.

In America, it came earlier in the form of Manifest Destiny. Both were born out of Romanticism, which heralded races and destinies.

In America, we talk about Manifest Destiny like it was some romantic pioneer mission, but it was actually a push for Caucasians to realize their white supremacist destiny and conquer the continent, disposing of Native Americans and enslaving black people.

Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party of the 19th century pushed this white supremacist philosophy, claiming Native Americans were savages and needed to be conquered for their own good.

In action, thought, and principle, this is weaponized white supremacy.

What resulted was the genocide of the Native Americans, which Hitler cited as one of his inspirations for the Third Reich and his Holocaust.

He saw Manifest Destiny in America and recognized the philosophical bond between his regime and the America.

Similarly, Hitler cited his admiration for the Confederate States of America, the eventual successor to Jacksonian "Democracy," and admired it as a society founded on racial difference entrenched in law and social order. He saw it as a precursor to the Third Reich.

In fact, Hitler took much of his philosophy from Americans, including Madison Grant, who wrote what he called his "bible."

1916's The Passing of the Great Race was a phenomenon in America and Grant helped advised with the disgusting Immigration Act of 1924.

Warning of "immigrant conquerors," Grant warned America that its white supremacy would be challenged by immigrating people of color and advised that radical action must be taken.

Hitler, again, called this his "bible" and Grant was lauded within America.

Quick Aside: If you can't tell already, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is a philosophical heir to all of this.

In Donald Trump's favored terms, you could even say MAGA shares bloodlines with explicitly white supremacist American and Nazi philosophies.

Another of Hitler's favorites was American Lotthrop Stoddard, who would eventually be invited to Nazi Germany and receive an audience with the fuhrer himself.

Stoddard was incredibly famous in America and his white supremacy a popular topic in political circles.

Stoddard's "The Ride Tide of Color Against White Supremacy" warned that a new white supremacist coalition was necessary to stave off advances by people of color.

Published in 1929, this gave Hitler an idea to call for white nations to cooperate to solve the problem.

Stoddard called World War I a "white civil war," a moniker that Hitler adopted as he called for America and England to join him prior to World War II.

He was adamant that he didn't want to war with the US or UK, saying they had white supremacy in common as a goal.

In addition, America was the first nation to fully embrace eugenics with forced sterilization.

Individuals like Harry Laughlin laid the foundation for thousands of forced sterilizations, and his work was copied verbatim by Nazis in creating their eugenic state.

As the Nazis put together an apparatus to sterilize "lesser people" and kill them, they used American law as a template and invited several American eugenicists to come, tour their facilities, observe their trials, and consult on how to better "the bloodline."

As the Nazis pushed harder and hard to streamline their genocide, they looked to Henry Ford again and his vaunted assembly line.

They used the principles of Ford's machine to build the framework for what would eventually become an industrial genocide: The Holocaust.

It's terrible to admit, but the Holocaust was the industrial revolution and American ingenuity put into practice with the sole purpose of eliminating "lesser people."

Much of the Nazi machine was borrowed, inspired by, or explicitly American in action and thought.

But that's not to say Nazism or fascism was limited to Europe.

We don't like to talk about it, but fascism thrived in America prior to WW2, including American Nazis, who held a rally in Madison Square Garden and attracted thousands.

See here Washington among swastikas.

For a time, hero Charles Lindbergh and the America First movement seemed prime to become a political party that could win elections, touting white supremacy, white solidarity, and a desire to work with Adolf Hitler instead of fighting him.

In his speeches and writings, Lindbergh called on America to join Nazi Germany in a union of white supremacy to guard against minorities and the so-called Rising Tides of Color.

He was explicit in this and echoed Hitler's own machinations and appeals.

In one notorious speech, Lindbergh echoed Ford and Hitler's anti-semetic conspiracies, charging that Jews were in charge of the media, the economy, and were manipulating America into war with Hitler.

He accused FDR of being part of the conspiracy and called for action.

A quick note: Lindbergh was very popular and had political aspirations. Several had considered whether he could have been president, or whether America's fascist movement would have gained more permanent traction had Pearl Harbor not happened.

But this history is hidden.

Because we don't talk about our inherent fascism or influence on Nazi Germany, America has continued to tout itself as exceptional and dedicated to freedom, liberty, and equality, even while the powerful and rich continue to believe fascistic tenets.

Including...the Trumps.

Donald Trump himself has been profiled as believing in supremacy through genes and blood, believing in "a racehorse theory of human development."

This is, as you can tell, fascistic, eugenic-like philosophy, and Trump has made several references to it.

Trump's biographer once quoted Donald Trump Jr. that, with his dad being an "incredibly accomplished guy" and his mother "an Olympian" that he believes "genetically I'm predisposed to better than average."

This should be...troubling after what I've gone through.

Considering Trump believes in inherent supreriority and has shown himself as an unrepentant white supremacist you need to understand that fascism can exist without uniforms, torch-lit rallies, military insignia, and overt displays of fascism.

It is a philosophy, a worldview

When we're talking about walls against immigrants, we're talking about protecting against "the rising tide of color against white supremacy."

We're talking about protecting white people, who are inherently "superior" from stock that would hurt their blood and culture.

When we're talking about "Make America Great Again," we're talking about reaffirming white supremacy in our laws and culture.

We're talking about white supremacy in action and in practice as the right and true nature of the world and in defeating attacks against it.

Trump's politics shares a direct "bloodline" with the politics of Lindbergh and white supremacist authoritarians. It even uses the same phrases, the same stances, the same philosophy of how the world works and that some are inherently better than others. fascism

These things are glaringly obvious when you know the history. You can hear what Trump is saying, what he's hinting toward with remarks about Ford and bloodlines and "good people."

It is a worldview that is inherently prejudiced and inherently white supremacist.

The problem is that American history is scrubbed clean of its fascistic and white supremacist elements in its common teaching.

This is on purpose and it is meant to propel the myth of American Exceptionalism and hide our generations' of crimes.

And when American history is scrubbed clean of its crimes and stains, what happens is that the myth grows into a political and secular religion.

That's what Trumpism is. A concentrated and dedicated fight to protect white supremacy and the altered reality that aids it.

Make no mistake, fascism is not relegated to an aberration in the 20th century in Europe.

Fascism is part of the human condition and can happen anywhere, including America, which has a rich and frightening fascist history.

Unfortunately, we're seeing that now.

You have to learn this history, the real history of America, to understand where we've come from, where we are, and where we're going.

There's nothing innocuous about Trump, Trumpism, or this fascistic rhetoric. It's a call to our past and unfortunately our future.


You know. Just Donald Trump in 2019, referring to Henry Ford in lionizing fashion and mentioning his "descendants" and alluding to shared bloodlines and destinies.

No. Big. Deal.
PPS/ Make your own conclusions, but Donald Trump has consistently shown a belief in white supremacy, superior genetics, and has consistently spotlighted the American originator of antisemitism who inspired the Nazis as a possessor of "good blood."

It's...really obvious.
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