This perspective by @DrSteveMarshall is so on point. As we spend more time online, this topic of respectful conversations and of listening to someone becomes very important. It is natural for all of us to have diverse opinions based on our experiences and...
...contexts of living/working, but that doesn’t mean that another person is wrong to have their opinion. Just because we have an opinion or question doesn’t make it okay to simply accuse another of not thinking about something or about...
...what we perceive to be a wrong line of thought. Our voices are important, the voice of every single one of us. By shouting others down or asserting only we are correct, we force people to shutdown. We create an even more disconnected society. Are there things that...
...upset us? Absolutely. But there’s definitely a #nonviolent way to converse.
Now, more than ever, we have to live and work in harmony.
Let’s create a #NewNormal that welcomes healthy conversations. Not just shouting matches on social media.
Let’s be kind and listen more.
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