Claia- a thread: Now I understand we are only one episode in but with the release of the script- it’s clear of the direction. My theory for Claia is that Jason is gonna make them endgame. My problem with this comes from being a Bellarke shipper. #the100 #bellarke #claia
For years Bellarkes have been baited and lead to believe that they would eventually become a thing.
This stems from tweets from Jason (& Bob) ,scripts and what we obviously see on screen. #the100 #bellarke #claia
So as we head going into the final season, this really is the last chance for them to become a couple. However, after the first episode has aired and scripts have been released it seems that the writers are planning on making claia endgame. #the100 #bellarke #claia
For Bellarke shippers - this is a big slap in the face as it is clear that the years of waiting for them to be a thing was wasted. The writers are pulling claia out of thin air to be spiteful and an easy way out of ensuring no one is happy. #the100 #bellarke #claia
This pairing seems completely out of the blue. Gaia appeared in t100 in s4 and Clarke’s had barely any screen time with her. They had a few scenes in s6 but they had no romantic meaning and Bellarke’s relationship was the main focal point of the entire season. #the100 #bellarke
With Claia there was no natural development between them which suggests that this pairing was decided last minute. So they decided to cram an entire build up into one season. #the100 #bellarke #claia
Claia could have been amazing if it was developed earlier on. It is full of representation- wlw , interracial. But since it was thrown together in the last season, it feels rushed. #the100 #bellarke #claia
The writers released the script to screen for the scene in 701. This release could act as a warning to bellarke shippers to be prepared. #the100 #bellarke #claia
The description in the script is being taken as romantic by Clexas, bellarkes & bechos. Some of those people claim bellarke is platonic. Some of those people who see that scene as romantic are the same people who deny that bellarke are romantic. #the100 #bellarke #claia
Yet there have been many script releases of bellarke scenes that have similar description and direction. So what is the deal? The scene is only romantic if it doesn’t include bellarke. #the100 #bellarke #claia
It shows that they have been writing Bellarke as romantic and have decided to scrap it and go with another pairing which is an easy out for them. It is a wlw ship so people can’t say that it is homophobic. It’s interracial so people can’t say it’s racist. #the100 #bellarke #claia
I rest my case. Hope this thread makes sense. Share it if u can because it’s important people understand. I can upload a more fluid version...Don’t mind if no one sees this. Simply doing this to keep my sanity......😬😌 #the100 #bellarke #claia
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