he's talking about the recreational drug use in the khh industry because they've created a bastardised version of hip-hop culture for funsies while disrespecting the roots are y'all completely devoid of reading comprehension https://twitter.com/lovedoie/status/1263798996600008705
there's no point talking to you fckers about the roots of American hip-hop and the war on drugs that k-hiphop "rappers" turned into a hardcore aesthetic for the thrill of it, y'all are sm maids
but really how is yoongi rightfully calling out people who use drugs for the end-result of looking more edgy and "hardcore" to their equally deranged peers an insult to those struggling w addiction...go listen to the full album u weird mfs
and im not saying any of this lightly, im a neurodivergent mentally ill woman in a country where I'll /definitely be called a crazy pill-popper for taking my meds should i ever go on a prescription...but it's not the mentally unhealthy that he's pointed this at, so remember that.
stop pinning this thread under SM and YG stans they don't care 😭 none of them are ever going to talk about how Lee Sooman is responsible for the wholesale import of black hip-hop culture into korean pop just to make money off of the """edginess""" of it all
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