If your first thought is: “meh, glass? Who cares?”
Imagine all the flat glass needed for photovoltaics, green buildings, window upgrades/weatherization, & electric vehicles.
Energy transitions will require a tremendous amount of flat glass. We need to stop landfilling that 89%. https://twitter.com/dustinmulvaney/status/1263711942511714306
Meeting terawatt-level photovoltaics production "will necessitate an unprecedented expansion in capacity of the flat glass industry... almost twenty times the value of the current annual flat-glass market." https://www.bnl.gov/isd/documents/88585.pdf
Recycled can be recycled indefinitely. Whats *cool* is incorporating recycled cullet lowers the melt-point for float glass. This avoids further energy use/combustion emissions. 2-3.5% energy savings for each 10% recycled cullet. Extends furnace life too. (Jeswiet & Pearse 2009)
*Recycled GLASS
This is the correct citation for the energy savings claims above. Its a neat paper from 2009 suggesting an industrial symbiosis between glass recycling, flat glass & photovoltaics manufacturing, with substantial embodied energy savings. #industrialecology https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/5444358
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