Couple things COVID19 has brung to light:
1. A lot of us are one missed paycheck away from being unhoused.
2. Most people can't afford to feed their children 3 times a day.
3. Unemployment usually only pays like $600 a month.
4. Most people cant afford health insurance.
5. The "unskilled" laborers are the people we depend on the most.
6. Our gov't officials are fucking useless.
7. Prisons are not necessary.
8. The education system is fucking trash.
COVID19 is just a temporary crisis within the larger crisis of capitalism. When we're not paying attention, our neighbors miss one paycheck, and end up on the streets. Get injured on the job, lose their health insurance, and only get $600 a month in unemployment.
Working harder doesn't equal more money for the folks doing the actual work. How many amazon and whole food workers will be set for life after this pandemic?
A lot of the government businesses that have long ass wait times, make it hard to access resources, and penalize folks who dont make it "on time" (DMV, Human Service Agencies, courthouses etc.) could receive all the necessary paperwork online...
The money is there. The resources are there. We could all be okay. The government just dont give a fuck. And we lose housing, starve, and die everyday because they dont give a fuck.
I didnt say anything profound. These are the conversations that have been happening in working class communities. Anything that can happen to your neighbor, can happen to you. Care about the people around you.
If you see this thread, join a rent strike. Organize a phone zap. Tell the Director of Public Health and the Sheriff to stop the genocide and empty the prisons. Occupy a motel/hotel/holiday inn. Move unhoused folks inn.
You can follow @lilghettogirl__.
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