If you have children, or plan to have children and are considering homeschooling (which any intelligent parent should). A great foundation to start on is the Trivium and Quadrivium.

“My own political philosophy is very plain and humble; I can trust the uneducated, but not the badly educated.” — G.K. Chesterton
Every genius of the past in the Western world trained under the trivium and quadrivium.

The trivium and quadrivium was essentially the old method of schooling, they came from classical antiquity, but were taken out of the education systems in the early-mid 1900s.
It was replaced with Common Core, and if you know anything about gamer gate, you may know that common core was created to trivialise and homogenise a child’s brain.
You’ll find its strategies borne in the Tavistock institute and Pilgrim’s society, created to sculpt children into a mundane, autonomic and demoralised brainlets.
Education nowadays is designed to teach people what to think. A slew of dates, selective information, lack of context, propaganda and ideologies filtered into a child’s brain.

The dumbing down of the West is not an accident.
“History is a set of lies agreed upon.” — Napoleon Bonaparte
Science is based on the appeal to complexity, theories that cannot be proved but taken for gospel.

Think about it… the longer a theory lasts the longer nobody has been able to prove it to be law, therefore the less credibility it deserves.
Have you ever considered why are taught with talking animals so often?

This was deliberately programmed into schooling to pull young minds down and blur the difference between humans and animals. It is a type of ego-centric animalistic programming.
“Trivium”: (“The place where three roads meet.”)

The Trivium is the three arts of language pertaining to the mind.
Trivium = 1. Grammar 2. Logic 3. Rhetoric

General grammar, Aristotelian Logic, and Classical Rhetoric. As these disciplines are learned and practiced together, they form the overarching, symbiotic system for establishing clarity and consistency.
Grammar — Answers the question of Who, What, Where and the When of a subject. (Knowledge)

(which helps to determine...)
Logic — Answers the Why of a subject. (Understanding)
Rhetoric — Provides the How of a subject. The ability to express how you got to the why. (Wisdom)
Knowledge + Understanding - Contradictions = Wisdom
The Quadrivium is the four arts of quantity pertaining to matter.

4. Math (pure number)

5. Geometry (number in space)

6. Music (number in time)

7. Astronomy/Astrology (number in time and space)
Why did they get rid of the trivium and Quadrivium? Because they want you to be a dumb fatted sow just smart enough to operate the machinery of the system but not smart enough to question why you’re doing it.
The tools will give a person a much better and accurate interpretation of truth in the context of this world. The ability to discern both knowns and unknowns requires critical thought.

It is especially emphasised in freemasonry.
Logic derives from what can be observed in the natural world and not from artificial ideas.

One can have depth of logic, clarity, but also breadth of logic.
This is empathetic reasoning — Adding viewpoints to your own, taking logical aspects of those viewpoints and dropping the rest, and also the humility to be proven wrong.
Teaching children how to think and not what to think will spur them so far ahead of the public school detritus.

The advantage is real learning based on a real world and not separate from natural truths.
This is just the start.

You should also teach your children how to be absolute madcvnts so they eventually dominate the arena and take over the world. So, we can once and for all destroy the desolate tyranny of whyte whamen, fagootz, and uppity eth-min.

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