The impact of #Superman on modern world and culture
The God of Comicbook world, A thread
History lo #Superman kante mundhu chalamandi superheros unnaru like the phantom, zorro etc but 'Superhero' ane term, costume & codename lanti conventions mainstream aindi Superman valle. Ipudu manam enjoy chestuna superhero world ki stepping stone Superman.
1938 lo #Superman first appearance. Superman's massive success chusaka batman, wonderwoman, captain america, captain marvel etc lanti characters start ayyay. Ilanti wave of comic book characters start avvatam valla 1938-1950 period ni 'golden age of comic books' antaru.
#Superman is the highest selling comic book series of all time with more than 600+ million approximate sales. Mainstream superheros lo oldest aina, superman is still relevant and engaging among the audience.
American economy ni pump chesina driving forces lo #Superman okadu. Comic books, tv shows, posters, toys, commercials ekkada chusina superman. He was literally everywhere and on everything. 1948 superman serial is considered as the most profitable movie serial in movie history.
#Superman made an impact during World War II. Superman's motto 'Truth, justice and the American way' war propaganda lo crucial role play chesindi especially with kids. War time lo 1million superman copies per month sale ayevi and the single largest customer was the american army.
#Superman (1978) movie was a huge blockbuster and one of the biggest hits of hollywood at that time. Apatlone more than $300M collect chesindi. Superheros silver screen ki ravataniki, shine avvataniki major reason ee movie. Alanti impact create chesindi.
Many surveys have stated that #Superman's logo is one of the most recognizable images anywhere on the globe along with the religious cross, red cross, swastika, v for victory, heart symbol etc.
#Superman's effect on american society, his impact on entertainment industry, the physics of superman and his immigrant status...ila konni thousands of research papers and studies, millions of people ni impact chesadu.
Country, language ki sambandham lekunda konni hundreds of iterations, parodies and homages all over the globe. World entertainment industry ni #Superman influence chesinatu inkevaru cheyledu.
Over the years, #Superman character ni copy, superman image ni replicate cheytaniki chala companies try chesi fail ayyayi.
He is a once in a millennium creation !!
He is beyond any box office numbers and silly fanwars. #Superman range lo inke superhero mankind ni influence cheyledu. Present world antha enjoy chestuna superhero genre ki foundation Superman.
Superhero ప్రపంచానికి ఆది...అంతం...అనంతం...
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