Having ADHD isn't just "OOH SHINY" distractions. Its like your ideas have to queue up and be completed in order only they cut in line a lot and get impatient and sometimes they just walk away.
A lot of folks think ADHD is some juvenile thing or means you're less mature or stupid and honestly i know people will lean into being "quirky" because at least its some kind of acceptance because its hard to get taken seriously if people associate you with the diagnosis
Me: I should tidy up.
*moves stuff from table to office*
*sees guitar*
*picks up guitar and starts practicing*
Wait.. what was I doing?
The whole idea queue also makes me lose things A LOT. Like i'll put it down, an idea will butt in line, ill forget what i was doing and where I was when i was doing it and I'll lose something i was just holding
ITS REALLY FRUSTRATING. Im really lucky my partner is so nice and understanding and works with me. We have a white board and kots of paper to write lists in the house and it helps a ton.
Imagine having the idea shuffle issue and being asked to read a book and write a paper on it. Imagine reading a chapter and only absorbing 10% of it. Imagine reading the same sentence five times till you're SURE you understand, reading the next line and forgetting it immediately
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