This is one of the most important questions about D-Day on the south coast – who embarked where? Except on an extremely local level (ie Lepe), there hasn't been any nationwide study of who embarked where for D-Day. This is a great shame I think. 1/2
It can be done with careful study and comparison of fleet orders & war diaries. It's quite a task though – definitely a project rather than a hobby. I recently did it for Lepe, which was relatively less used, and a site I'm very familair with. I'd like to do it across the south.
But in answer to @gavinlong's original question, amongst the army units that embarked at G1 hard Stokes Bay were: the DD tanks of 13/18 Hussars and 5th Royal Marine Armoured Support Battery, embarking on the 14th and 100th LCT flotillas respectively, all bound for Sword.
Force J2 bound for Juno also used G1. 11 LCT Flotilla picked up 10 Canadian Armoured Regiment's DD tanks, 106 Flotilla picked up the AVREs and other Hobart's Funnies. 30 Flotilla picked up numerous regiment's 1st priority vehicles & 37 Flotilla carried 9 Inf Brigade vehicles.
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