Last weekend our local Qld, Australia farmers market, which is in a semi-rural sort of area,was thriving.Possibly the busiest that I have seen in a while.Maybe the people in the big smoke discovered we were still running.Sick & tired of the“lock-down”they seek human interaction.
Everyone looked happy,Enjoying their Saturday morn in the sunshine purchasing their weekly vegetable http://supplies.Shopping  for plants,second hand items,enjoying a bite 2 eat from the local offerings while the little ratbags enjoy dancing 2 the buskersmusic laughing & giggling.
Even the dogs enjoy their weekend social session. Exactly like it used to be, the way it should be.
During my visit last weekend I recall I saw possibly 2 people wearing masks.?. Constantly signage reminded me of “social distancing” at the stalls. Nobody seemed to care. It’s been like this the whole time. They’re awake.
They know deep down this is over-hyped up rubbish. They talk about it everywhere, they know, they just haven’t made the connection, yet…. Thanks to our mockingbird media. #TheGreatAwakening
We have been fortunate enough to escape the clutches of Covid close down, the other markets, craft markets haven’t been so fortunate. They shut two months ago. Because it was a tourist markets the businesses around the market also shut down.
The once thriving little town is now a ghost town. The pubs shut. Just nothing..

Today the local famers market posted on Facebook;
Due to Covid-19 restrictions ..
The Country Markets will now have one entry and one exit as marked on map.
All aisles are now ONE WAY.
Sorry for any inconvenience”
ve since seen the signage for tomorrows market… Moooving us like cattle.

Why? Because “a couple of people complained” ….

You are destroying our little community and our country with your bullshit. If you want to live in fear go live in a socialist/communist country!
I’ve since learnt that Target are closing around 20% of their stores in Australia and the stores that remain open will shortly have permanent crosses installed on their floor. The “new norm” they keep trying to convince me, I’m not buying into it.
Bunnings today was busy, full of happy campers looking for human interaction. Strangers talking and laughing together. Going on with their day happily. Not scared of each other. No strange looks or fear, no questioning looks scared of getting the “cov”
They steered us in lines to the checkout, but no one seemed to care about the “social distancing”. Even staff members didn’t observe this globalist insane loonie logic. Supermarkets the same.
Everywhere you go.. People are being people. They’re ignoring the “rules” and going about their normal lives. Still cautious but still travelling normal. Meanwhile our Politicians are telling us what we should be doing. Getting caught taking “simulated” flu shots for the “news”.
Did they forget who pays them? Where their money comes from? Do they forget they serve us?
And what about all the controversy of Bill and Melinda Gates?His connections to all that is evil in/to over world, the media keep distracting us from it.Keep making him look like our saviour.His connections to Jeffery Epstein,among other deplorable things are highly questionable.
Why are our media not properly exploring all the questions? And the controversy about the W.H.O.
Today I inquired into travelling next month, as an Australian I am NOT restricted to enter America, but Australia has a travel ban, which “they” say is not going to end until 2023!!! - once a vaccine is available!!!
(I personally don’t believe this will ever happen but they are testing it on us. “Their” plan is that we will only be able to travel if we have been a good citizen and followed the “rules”.
Same as what they currently have in China, Its called “Social Credit System” and “they” want it for us! Along with the ‘Universal Basic Income”, that’s nicely getting set up now. Same as the CovAp.. AliBaba has an app for that - they use in China now restricting travel.
They can fine u on the spot for anything they care 2 & take it immediately from YR account without YR permission.They can stop you from catching a bus or a train,a virtual prison in your own home, with no recourse. No choice.“Their” rules. Do as you are told, when you are told.
Here in Aus they’ve been slowly chipping away at this for years.For us to get used to this today and the future. Years ago they stopped the bands in the pubs, they made it difficult to go out, businesses were shutting down due to weight of their regulations,licences,& taxes.
People weren’t buying anymore. People couldn’t afford it. The boiling frogs syndrome. The chattle doing as they’re told. People are starting to hate other people. Where did the love go?
Before the Cov,there was really no where to go,nothing 2 do without it costing you a pretty penny.Wages remained the same unless you were willing to give your life 2 yr work,sacrificing your family connections,if yr family were even still together thanks 2 the stains of living.
This all looks familiar…. It reminds me of America in the 1990’s. Is there any coming back now if things continue this way?
If we keep complying. I do wonder in Australia if the general public, you know the ones that follow the “rules”, the ones who are “happy with their life” think “they” will just allow things to go back to how it was?
Around the world there is talk of a 50 year old Malaria medicine that has clinical trials which show that it restores people infected with the cov virus in 5 days, not only for the Cov, but for many other illnesses. Success stories around the world everywhere.
They keep lying to us. Telling us different. Why? Illnesses people have been needlessly suffering with and for what? Big Pharma money? The never ending cycle of sickness pain and disease. Medications that it have been proven to give full recovery. #Hydroxycloroquine
And that this is not the only mediation that works. It’s all getting suppressed. You’ve all heard it. “They” have been doing this for a very long time.
This is why I love social media. Our media has failed us. They only stroke fear and lies. They are a part of the complex that has taken control. Many people have switched off their television because they’ve recognised this. .
But they still listen to the radio, and their friends or family who do watch the television/commercial news....
I been fortunate to have learnt of Qanon in the first week in November 2017. Right place - right time. The posts across all platform were few to begin. The odd video on YouTube was rare.
Something deep inside of me told me to keep following, that this was real, that this is the biggest thing ever to happen. During this time I even travelled overseas for 6 months, I keep watching, reading, learning. I was telling people the whole time.
I am used to the look in their eye.. but now they’re starting to come about.Ask questions.And best of all start using logic,Start researching.Start listening,start really listening and watching everything around you,Start to see what’s really going on, what’s really happening.
I know many already see. They’ve seen for years. They’ve given up hope that we can stop them. That we can reverse this decline in humanity for our children and our children’s children.
These people attempting to control of us “they” are loosing their power purely by us having knowledge.Knowledge is http://power.By  us recognising “their” games.“Their”playbook.We are learning to see through it all.Not through Qanon.Through yr research.Yr reading.
Link above not related .
Over this nearly 3 year beautiful journey I have lost many friends and family, but what I have gained will help them and others for generations to come. We are living history. The most wonderful LARP (Live action roll play) ever.
I do feel for those so wrapped in their hate and anger. That they can’t even try to see, but we will also be here to help them when the time comes - with open arms.
No matter how crazy this gets, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to get more and more crazy. We must unite together. As people, Sovereigns of Australia. People of the Commonwealth and demand the end to Agenda 2030 in Australia.
Send the Globalists packing from our Government never to return. All those dirty politicians wrapped up in the #ObamaGate scandal in Amercia. The Australian DeepState.
Protesting is what they want in the end. The plan? Keep researching, keep learning and start saying NO all to the crazy stuff. The stuff the Australian constitution and the Magna Carta talk about, the stuff they attempted to change on us. Learn it. Use it. Teach others.
Which way did you enter the stores today? The way you used to? or the way they told you? Did you stand on the cross on the floor? Did you observe “social distancing” all day? You can be the solution or a part of the problem.
Thanks for listening to my rant. 💕 #AussieQ #Qanon #TheGreatAwakening
You can follow @AussieQne.
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