This is definitely tmi but it’s probably something that doesn’t cross people without seizures’ mind, but I do miss the times when I can have an unsupervised bath
Nerys keeps coming in every few minutes to check I’m alive and gets very alarmed if I make too many splashing noises but also if I make none at all, so I have to sit up and talk to her to show I am ok. Repeat repeat.
I am very lucky to have a partner and dog that can supervise me in the bath but also it does interrupt the zen spa atmosphere I’m going for
This is one of those threads that people without seizures don’t know if they can like or find funny isn’t it, sorry ahahha
About 90% a seizure condition is completely bizarre situations that you have to laugh at — like when I got stuck wicking candles at @Meeliorate’s and when I came to they’d moved all the candle stuff from around me but to me it had only been like a few seconds so I was so confused
Or the time a coworker of mine got confused with some seizure advice and kept trying to raise my arms while I was fitting, even though that makes me pass out *more* ahaha
anyway it’s been *checks watch* four hours so I look forward to receiving my eleven hours cake this evening
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