I was on a run this morning at 6.30 - it was raining, I had full length gym leggings on & a hoodie. No makeup, hair scraped back, headphones in. These two guys saw me whilst getting into a car and catcalled me. I ignored it, so they followed me for the entire block in the car-
- still catcalling and saying things like “why won’t you talk to us?” etc. Literally for about 20 mins, they only stopped cuz I ran down an alley that they couldnt drive down and ran home, cutting my run short. To be clear, I was fully clothed and it was daylight. It’s a good-
- job they didn’t get out of the car because, as strong as I think I am, I stand no chance against 2 grown men. They could of harmed me in more ways than one if they had tried to. And, had they done so, it wouldn’t have been my fault. This shit happens to girls daily too. -
- Men need to stop acting so entitled when it comes to women, and victim blaming also needs to end (I’m not claiming to be a victim, thankfully i’m fine, but there are some people out there who aren’t so lucky). -
- These things are never about the clothes being worn, the time of day, the circumstances or the location. The only people and thing to blame for sexual harassment are the people who sexually harass. I shouldnt have to be worried about going out for a run at 6am but here we are .
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