Problem Representation:

A 92 year old M veteran with a h/o of Afib on AC & BPH p/w with acute on subacute altered mental status and personality changes, agitation, & dizziness. Physical exam reveals dry MM & lethargy but otherwise along w/ hypercalcemia, AKI, 🔼1,25 -OH Vit D
It’s MIST time! with UTI being top on the differential classically in this elderly male who is set up for urinary retention

UTI - often blamed, rarely the cause

meds meds meds: Polypharmacy!

wondering if he’s wobbly wacky and wet?
A sharp decline in executive dysfunction could point us towards vascular dementia

Could have had an infarct on top of chronic silent infarcts ▶️ more precipitous presentation of vascular dementia

depression, polypharmacy, ⬇️PO intake▶️ hyponatremia, infection, urinary retention
The rapid decline for any kind of neurodegenerative disease, I think more delirium here

once declines in function become chronic, then we think dementia is more likely, but subacute can be delirium...but characteristically delirium is waxing and waning
Always look for the reversible causes: infection, metabolic, bleeds, endocrine, meds

Thinking metabolic: b12 def, hypo or apathetic hyperthyroidism, hyperCa, wernicke

Lewy Body Dementia can sometimes present more as delirium…and is very sensitive to decompensation from meds
Hyperammonemia can do much of this along with subacute subdural hematomas

Can hyperammonemia cause agitation? The short answer is yes. Sxm's are nonspecific w/ ataxia, vomiting, focal neuro findings, low-grade fever, drowsiness, lethargy, agitation.
Could this be a cortical or subcortical stroke?

? low solute diet + alcohol = recipe for hyponatremia

Technically dehydration = hypernatremia
Let's call it volume-depleted instead of dehydrated

Classic hypercalcemia history is polyuria, constipation, &confusion

lethargic & dry mouth: worry a little about anti-cholinergic but more likely dehydration

Love the pearl “a little bit off” = encephalopathic = think global
Crypto = headache usually and then routine findings if not immunosuppressed.

crypto gattii can present in immunocompetent hosts

In altered elderly pts, do a good skin exam. Things can be hiding beneath clothes like ulcers, Shingles, cellulitis, hematomas
myeloma? sodium is normal though. with paraproteins it could be falsely low

I want Vitamin D level 25 and 1,25 OH, PTH and PTH-rp please

Another corresponding episode
multiple myeloma causes an 🔼alk phos when there are assoc fractures.

hypercalcemia leads to dehydration through it causing polyuria

Polyuria in adults is defined as urine output more than 3 L/d (>40 mL/kg/d).

Up to 20% of pts w/ hyperCa ▶️▶️ polyuria.
nephrogenic DI - interferes with ADH attaching to aqua-Orin 2

Remember normal PTH is abnormal in this situation

Good mnemonic for bone mets: BLT sandwich with a Kosher Pickle (breast, lung, thyroid, kidney, prostate)
so cancer and milk alkali will cause similar lab pattern. stopping tums will help differentiate both before embarking on malignancy workup

so now we have the PTH low, PTH-RP low, low VitD

sarcoid vs lymphoma?

Constipation classic for hypercalcemia
Hormonal :
â—‹ PTH: primary, secondary, tertiary hyperparathyroidism
â—‹ PTHRp: renal cell carcinoma or squamous
â—‹ Vit D: increase intake of 25oh , or granuloma producing vit D like substance Lytic processes
â—‹ Lytic bone diagnoses: lung, breast, multiple myeloma
â—‹ Milk alkali
â—‹ Meds: HCTz, lithium
â—‹ Endocrine: increased T4, decreased adrenal
- Tums: alkalosis and AKI and hypercalcemia
o Third MC cause of hypercalcemia
o Each tum is 0.5 grams. Usually need 3-4 grams to get milk alkali
The nodes are likely a clue - 1,25 D is borderline high

Tissue is the issue?

@medrants notes that Lymphoma can do this

as well as Granulomatous process such as sarcoid, histo, blasto

bone & lungs lesions suggestive of sarcoid or disseminated histo/blasto
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