I understand this take from the point of gentrifying street art but this also ignores that; A) most POC street artists practice in their surroundings. B) it’s incredibly dangerous for POC to be tagging rich neighborhoods & big businesses. Graffiti ain’t just a tool to rebel. https://twitter.com/woiffangs/status/1263544629833728000
This thread is in the right place but it ignores the cultural aspects of street art that are at risk of being gentrified. This is coming from someone who grew up in the poor areas of my hometown running with a lot of street artists who tagged for a multitude of different reasons.
The best thing you can do to support graf artists and street artists is to support and diversify your local art scenes. I can guarantee that someone who’s tagging around your local area is also producing art to support themselves, their community, or their craft.
I know a lot of people who are tagging on a daily basis & those people support themselves through selling their work or taking commissioned work at events/art markets/etc.

Street art has always been POC dominated if you support POC you should support street artists :)
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