So I keep seeing this issue brought up and I wanted to give my reading of it, so heeeere we go.....
The best way to understand this is to follow the saber and Rey's evolving relationship with it. When it first calls to her, she completely rejects it, which is indicative of her rejecting the call to adventure/destiny.
By the climax of the movie Rey calls the saber and it comes to her rather than Kylo. Many see this as the saber now belonging to her case closed; and while this is true in a way, it's not how Rey sees the situation. And we know this because of what happens next...
At the very end of the movie Rey finds Luke, and immediately attempts to hand the saber over to him. In her mind the saber is still very much Lukes. She thinks of Luke as still the legendary hero, i.e. the main character.
She of course soon finds out that Luke no long wishes to be the "main character" due to his failure in the past. She spends the whole movie "looking for her place in all this", still not knowing that she is actually the hero of the story.
Due to her connection to Kylo and a vision of the future she believes that she can convince him to turn back to the light and become the hero. She offers the saber to Luke once more and when he refuses she goes to Kylo.
Convinced that her vision will come true, she allows herself to be captured. After Kylo rejects his chance to turn back to the light they then fight over the saber, however instead of choosing Rey, it breaks in half.
At the end Rey is left feeling lost, Luke is gone, a majority of the Resistance is gone, she failed bringing Ben back to the light, and now the saber that called to her is broken. Leia assures her they have everything they need to rebuild, the spark of hope was not lost.
Fast forward One Year, and Rey is now refining her skills as a Jedi in training. She's learned how to heal the blades crystal and is now the sole wielder of the hero's saber. However she doesn't feel that she's worthy of it, why? well...
Think about this from her perspective. She was sent on a mission to find the hero of this story, she thought it was Luke but he didn't want it, she thought it could be Ben but he was too far gone, so now it's up to her. She sees herself as the last resort.
Rey's biggest flaws are her insecurities, everything from her parents to her life on Jakku, then she's thrust into the role of the galaxies savior because the other two didn't work out. Add everything she learns about her lineage and her attempt at exile makes a lot of sense.
But with reassurances from Luke and the gift of Leia's saber she finds new confidence in her role as the hero. Ben gets to wield the Hero's blade, then both blades are used to deflect evil.
By the end Rey decides to lay the Hero blades to rest. She'll carry on the Skywalker and Jedi legacy, but these blades (and their prior owners) have seen so much conflict and have fulfilled their journey. The future will require something new.
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