Since its a gemini new moon today, where is it in your chart, and how do you express it?
So its in my 2nd house tropical, my 9th (includes my mc) draconic.
I love books, collating data, and as you can see here i enjoy sharing information.
I value information.
I also communicate with my body to understand what its needs are (food, excercise etc) sun/moon mp.
I have vesta/pallas tight conjunction, i can easily see patterns in data, and am very good at strategic thinking.
I only really interested in chatting about what am interested in right now. And if i dont read i will wither away and die
From a spiritual or energetic perspective gemini energy connects to the duality of both being physical and non-physical at the same time.
It also governs mind to mind communication as in mental mediumship. As a psychic and mediumistic sense its claircognisense.
Why gemini for mental mediumship?
Apart from it being mind to mind communication it requires you to do several things at once.
You have to commune with the spirits, interpret what they are giving you, all whilst managing the audience. So you have multi-way conversations
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