No one really talks about how the Chad/Virgin dichotomy is a delusional fiction fully created by various Disney/Nickelodeon kids shows
Like these corporations and various anonymous writers over the years in some way have blood on their hands
There's an inherent fascism to the idea of social cliques of nerds, jocks, goths, etc. I have never experienced these divisions but certainly have tried to mold my world to fit them. Because after years of media telling me they exist, I expect them to and do not fight back.
The conservative worldview that some people are simply just better than others

(see this video for the origins of this thought: )

is just accepted in our narrative media, especially those for children, under the guise of simplification
This one of the MANY reasons representation matters, both on-screen and in the writer's room.
Maybe this has something to do with children's stories origins in fairy tales. Stories that were locked in time due to the invention of the printing press around 1500. Stories that presuppose the goodness of the monarchy because feudalism still existed.
And no, I'm not just talking about Sky High all though that one is particularly fascisty
I also think this is related to the erroneous idea that someone can be "bad" at math or languages or whatever. No one is "bad" at anything innately, people just think differently and sometimes not taught to the way they think. Any person can learn a skill if they put the time in
But because we see in our media "nerds" who are good at math and "jocks" who are good at sports, and never the twain shall meet, we internalize the idea that we must one or the other.
It is not difficult to go from this worldview to one where "women" cannot lead or "men" cannot be caring, "blacks" cannot work hard or that "whites" are just plain smarter.
It is especially easier if one if of a privileged group. As in, a white person sees themselves as successful, but because groups are inherently different, the only conclusion they can draw is that white people AS A WHOLE are successful
As a brilliant professor of mine once pointed out, the liberal arts are the opposite of fascism because learning something for learning's sake outside of your comfort zone attacks the idea that one is only good at one thing.
Education is not and should never be a means for economic ends, for functional ends. We must learn things that are useless to us because they are useless and thus we learn more about ourselves.

There's a nice capitalist critique in here too.
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