"Eminent river engineer and former professor of civil engineering at IIT in the Banaras Hindu University (BHU) Prof. U.K. Choudhary"

Stop. You're NOT qualified to opine on virology, epidemiology, or anything in between. You're a fuckin' civil engineer, go build bridges. (1/10) https://twitter.com/timesofindia/status/1263391580855185408
"The Ganga water contains a significantly higher proportion of bacteriophages - a kind of virus that kill bacteria."

Coronavirus is NOT a bacteria, says right there in its name. Are you fuckin' blind? (2/10)
"Our ancient scriptures like Vedas, Puranas and Upanishads say that Ganga jal is medicinal water."

Holy books, not peer-reviewed science journals. Written when men didn't know where the Sun went at night. Calm down. (3/10)
"Scientists later found that Ganga water has bacteriophages capable of killing pathogens."

So does the ocean and practically every water body in the world. Bacteriophages live in a variety of habitats and Ganga is just one of them. (4/10)
"As Gomukh is the highest among the three, its water comes from lowest depth of aquifer as compared to Yamunotri and Sone river."

Gomukh: 4,023m
Champasar glacier (source of Yamuna): 4,421m

And how does higher altitudes mean deeper source? Sold physics with brains? (5/10)
"Thus, the quality of river water is proportional to height of origin point. This defines the genetic character of Ganga water."

Quality is proportional to height of origin, how? Genetic character of Ganga water? Water is NOT a cellular being, you dolt! (6/10)
"The balanced flow of this water in entire length of the Ganga defines the medicinal property of Ganga water."

Define"balance." You have no idea what you're talking about, do you? (7/10)
"Prof Chaudhary said that the bacteriophages in the Ganga can curb the spread of coronavirus through soil, water and air."

Again, coronavirus is a VIRUS, bacteriophage like BACTERIA. And how does river water help air? What sorcery did you imagine, professor? (8/10)
"...opening the gates of all the dams and barrages in a way that the discharge through each is similar to the water at Gomukh. In this way, the concentration of bacteriophage will be enhanced in Ganga water"

More water = higher concentration, how? (9/10)
Ganga water is a driving source of dysentery, cholera, hepatitis, and diarrhea. Dysentery and cholera are caused by bacteria. There's bacteriophages and yet these bacteria survive. Lesson? Not all bacteriophages eat all bacteria, just as not all people eat all animals. (10/10)
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