“I know that someone has to step forward in face of our current situation - meaning the inner and out, the corporal and the spiritual plight of our people. I have searched for that man...
...I haven’t been able to find him anywhere, so I got to my feet and started to do the preliminary work, only the most basic preliminary work, because I know that I am not he. And I also know what I lack...
...But the other, he isn’t here yet, and nobody else is stepping forward, and there is no time to be wasted!”
”But I am not the Messiah. He will come after me. I only have the will to create for the German Volk the foundations of a true Volk community. And that is a political mission, though it encompasses the ideological as well as the economic...
...It cannot be otherwise, and everything in me points to the conviction that the German Volk has a divine mission. How many great prophets have foretold this!”
”People ask: is there someone fit to be our leader? Our task is not to search for that person. Either God will give him to us or he will not come. Our task is to shape the sword that he will need when he comes.”
April 30th, 1945, 15 hours, 15 minutes in the afternoon. Shells and shrapnel rain down ceaselessly on Berlin and raging firestorms give the impression of a hallucinating drama. The Götterdämmerung, Twilight of the Gods.
Within the bunker, Adolf Hitler calls for the Chief-assistant of his personal service, SS Official Sturmbannführer being Linge, and tells him he must leave the scene.
Then Linge asks him:
“For whom must we fight now, Mein Führer?”
And Adolf Hitler replies:
“For the Man to come...”
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