Today, @tarajago was asked what her job description is.
Instead of providing it (you know, transparency) she attacked the person requesting it @EveryAlbertan and accused her of working for the NDP or AMA.
Even if EveryAlbertan WAS working for the NDP or AMA (which she>
2/ isn't), why is it a question that was met with such hostility?
So, I did a little homework into what an "Issues Manager" is supposed to do.
Now I understand why Ms. Jago didn't want to provide her job description, because her behavior, and that of other UCP Issues Managers,
3/ is in direct contradiction to what their job description is.

"At its best, issues management is stewardship for building, maintaining and repairing relationships with stakeholders and stakeseekers (Heath, 2002)."

Stewardship? Maintaining & >
4/ repairing relationships?
Interestingly enough, UCP Issues Managers do the exact opposite.
They break down relationships between the government and stakeholders.
They cause more damage, rather than repair relationships.
They insult the very people they are supposed to be >
5/ working with, instead of fighting with.
So, then I have to question the integrity of not just the people in that position, but also the ministers who they report to, and the party they work for.
Kenney said they would "raise the bar."
Given the behavior of UCP issues >>
6/ managers, it is very clear that Kenney's comment was just another lie.
UCP Issues managers need to be held accountable for their words and actions, as do their supervisors.
We all need to keep track of these daily poor behaviors of these staffers, and call them out.
7/ need to remember that they still work FOR us.
The behavior of these issues managers defies any definition of professionalism or integrity.
They should all be ashamed of themselves.
I hope their 30 pieces of silver are worth it to them.
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