Facebook announces permanent wfh option for many employees. Twitter announces it is permanent for everyoneđź’Ą What does this mean across various aspects of work and personal life? We have been discussing this for a while at @BankOnCube. A few thoughts...
1/ Top line: Much needed swing of the pendulum. Most knowledge economy businesses are capable of wfh. Only a few have bothered due to stigmas and inertia.
2/ People living anywhere & working for anyone anywhere is so huge as a win for everyone. Current employees get freedom to pick a lifestyle they like. People who cannot move to a new region/country can still get their dream gigs. Employees get access to a global pool. #borderless
3/ Flip side: Everyone won’t be moving to suburbs and farms 🚜. Young people, urban life lovers, creative folks may continue to live in cities. But cities would become a LOT more liveable, loveable and affordable now that people who don’t want to be there can opt out. Win win.
4/ BUT: at work, we have to be careful that the pendulum doesn’t swing too far. Humans are social creatures by nature. Hence a happy in between that Team Cube has been considering is...
5/ Build a default distributed work environment and culture. Asynchronous communication for non-urgent matters ( @SlackHQ). Deep documentation ( @googledocs) for anything that needs to persist across time and time zones. Synchronous chats only when needed ( @GoogleMeet2)
6/ Synchornous meetings are still needed for us. Maybe a function of our stage. Or our team. Monday leadership call followed by an Allhands. And daily need-to-attend product+dev calls are a fixed time before a typical dev day starts (big ht for manager vs creator schedule @paulg)
7/ Once the lockdown lifts, we are going to experiment in the social aspect while maintaining the default distributed mode. Maybe Mondays and Thursday’s in the office. Handles start of week communications. And mid-week catch ups followed by some after-hours socialising. 🍻 🥂
8/ On other days of the week the office will be open for those that can’t wfh. And I want to combine this with some days where founders of many companies work together one day. Another where sales/marketing across companies work together. Dev. PMs. Cross pollination of ideas!
9/ (DM me if you and your co would like to join us for this experiment. We have an airy office in Juhu with great coffee and a minimalist design ethos. Plus a kickass balcony for winters and the monsoons. Did I mention 2 minute walk to the beach?)
10/ All WIP on WFH. One thing is certain: We deserve a better system. Where unnneeded commute stress, costs, inefficiencies can be eliminated. We owe it to the environment and our team mates as founders to carve out a better alternative than the status quo.
11/ 🎩 to @dhh and @jasonfried of @basecamp, @shl of @gumroad & @joelgascoigne of @buffer for being thought leaders on this and inspiring me to question things constantly without compromising on the mission or intensity. You guys are awesome and are making an impact across the 🌎
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