Like this tweet and I’ll tell you what drug you are 💊
@YakinOuederni Clindamycin. It's got a black box warning for explosive diarrhea. Need I say more?
@AnumImrn Metformin. Miracle worker, accessible, and (nearly) harmless. Some diarrhea but it's SELF-LIMITING!! Keep doing great things.
@rzzzqq You thought you were gonna be Daraprim, but I'm here to keep you in check. You're lithium. Incredibly high maintenance but on Walmart's $4 drug list. Def wouldn't invest in.
@anam_a18 Did you know insulin was discovered in 🇨🇦?! They've moved to the US since and now busy making the big bucks 🤑. Comes in handy when you've got a sugar rush from all that Cadbury.
@NasihaSmalik Percocet. You’re addictive and I can’t live without you. Necessary alternative given your severe NSAID allergy.
@origNAZ Candesartan. Sweet like candy and lowers people’s blood pressure with her contagious laugh.
@walmartcleo Vitamin D. Loves the sun, and people can never have enough of you. They probably don't realize how deadly you can be in large doses.
@humahasit Definitely Humira.
@snkhalid1 Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee IV.
@imogen_bin_heap Warfarin. It was originally used as rat poison, and might come in handy since you're officially a New Yawker.
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