a thread by me :]
-from the outset of the game its pretty clear that erhard has a difficult time outwardly showing emotions even from BEFORE his face muscles became too stiff to properly smile from the continued exposure to cold air in his prison cell. maria also mentions that he never smiles
-he also speaks in a general deadpan and doesnt use much emotion in his voice unless hes genuinely distraught. this is to the point where he attempts to make a joke and gabe isn't sure whether he should laugh or not because of cr's tone making him come off more serious
-erhard also doesnt talk a whole lot unless he's being talked To, or being asked a question. it may just be a quirk of the writing but a lot of the time he speaks its either in more clinical, formal wording, or repeating words back (much like echolalia?)
-SPEAKING OF echolalia, that little phrase he repeats at the end of nearly every operation: 'let this disease pass from this world'. he even says it after he removes a STEEL BEAM from someones abdomen. i see that as it being routine for him at this point :thinking:
-more of something i relate to as an autistic person, he doesnt take any type of praise or compliments. he states that what he does is just 'doing his job' or something similar. also in the same vein, he also shows that he feels like an outsider to the rest of the cast
-its also pretty damn clear that the kid is a savant or at least has a MAJOR specint in medicine, from a young age hes seen reading huge books in his spare time, he can deduce hank's lie from the way he's breathing, and iirc the artbook says he was a college student by TWELVE!!
-looking at his sprite quickly, on closer inspection it looks to me more like he's 'staring through' someone, and not quite meeting their eyes. looking at his hands as well he has them held in an odd position, which i took originally to be a sign that he might be stimming
-during this scene in history of fear, erhard's face goes blank, and he almost appears to gaze off and speak in a blank tone, almost like hes internally shutting down, and immediately afterwards, quietly says to tomoe he'd like to go back to his room--
--where he stays for around a day, until the next episode, waking from terror. he refuses to eat, and stays alone in silence. when he finally snaps out of it, he starts crying.. but he clutches his *head* rather than cover his eyes, which strikes me as a meltdown reaction
-in this same episode, he also shows that hes pretty gullible, or rather, takes things literally. he falls for gabe's handshake trick immediately, and later on takes something maria says totally literally
-also, less of a fact jsut something i like to think about; he always has this blanket with him when hes in his cell which. yeah okay its kept at 0 degrees but STILL. i was like hmm... pressure stim? texture stim? perhapsies?
anyway thats about all i got so far. if anything else comes to my attention i will be sure 2 add it. also if u were wondering how far back this theory goes this is the date from my original thing of notes that i wrote. i was 15 whole ass years old
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