as an air dominant woman, i am finally making peace with the fact that my nurturing is not synonymous with always smothering you in attention. giving you attention is not helping me create anything with you. it's just fueling your need to be loved but not loving me in return.
because you'll take my absence and silence personally, as if i'm taking from you instead of what i'm really doing is recharging myself with all the love i just gave you. i was present for you and you don't understand what a daily challenge it is to ground in this body.
be grateful for me showing up and not angry that i'm taking necessary space. i don't have to be there at all. what aren't you getting from me? i am speaking to you in your language. learn mine by learning how to be alone and independent from me. i'm still here. i'm just resting.
you have to understand that i don't do anything i don't want to do so if i didn't care about you, i'd leave you alone. i do very well at cutting cords and moving on. you have to work with me. if i am showing up, you matter to me. you are a part of my life. i just have boundaries.
you are a part of my life but my life does not belong to you. i will only tell you once.
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