The tragedy for Simon, and with many leaders, is their reluctance to explore what contemporary, authentic leadership looks like. Take yourself lightly, and take the responsibility you're blessed with seriously. We want to know that you've wrestled with the options. 1/n
Being so sure of yourself is a turn off but so is dithering. If you're rock solid in your sense of self and what you're about you don't have to pander to the polls. You can grapple with the inherent conflict in most tough choices. And take us with you as you lay out your plan.2/n
If you lead from the inside-out you spend very little time wondering about your own performance and instead focus on serving those around you. The irony of course is that it elevates your leadership performance. Less self-focus and more attention outwards. 3/n
But you have to do the internal work first. And if you discover you're actually a bit of a dick, well, it's a harder row to hoe. I reckon LOTS of our politicians and leaders haven't spent time alone with their ambitions, doubts, vulnerabilities to stand authentically in power. 4-
They 'act' like they think a leader should. Empty words, hollow rhetoric. It strikes a false note and we reject it. I'm not advocating for raw or unpolished. I'm looking for courage and heart. Smarts and the wisdom not pretend to know it all already. The end.
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