I’m incredibly saddened to hear 68 journalists at @TheAtlantic lost their jobs today. Their work has been priceless, outstanding, especially on #COVID19. HT to tireless work of @alexismadrigal @edyong209 @yayitsrob et al. Please support w/ a subscription: https://accounts.theatlantic.com/products/  https://twitter.com/edyong209/status/1263488442291433473
2) Folks who have been following me from January closely would know that for me to proudly say that @TheAtlantic has been the single MOST OUTSTANDING INVALUABLE news source on the coronavirus, means something. They are insightful, tough, but fair... moreover, they are honest...
3) Here’s why I love @TheAtlantic - @alexismadrigal had once written a tough examination piece on me in January about my original “holy mother of god” tweet about the risk of a likely pandemic. It wasn’t too flattering on me I’ll readily admit, but remember it was only January...
4) However, unlike other outlets or other reporters, @alexismadrigal showed a reflective empathy and a sharp inquisitiveness that he is a deeply probing investigative journalist. And I watched how his writings evolved and how after @trvrb’s big genomic 🧬 epidemiology research...
5) that revealed the new WA+CA epidemics were traceable to mid January came out, @alexismadrigal thoughtfully admitted that he then realized the gravity of the pandemic. But more than that, Alexis was humble enough to admit that his Jan piece was imperfect https://twitter.com/alexismadrigal/status/1243186506040135680?s=21 https://twitter.com/alexismadrigal/status/1243186506040135680
8) In my view as an epidemiologist & 15 years teaching meta-analysis @Harvard, what @TheAtlantic has pulled off w/ @alexismadrigal & @COVID19Tracking under @JeffreyGoldberg will for certain go down in annals of history as among the most important accomplishments in public health!
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