NEW: Another instance of a Re-Open group getting cozy w/ white supremacists. "Reopen the Triad" (NC) leader Wendy Rishel Konig appeared on the "Dissident Mama" podcast run by Rebecca Quate Dillingham, a racist, neo-Confederate blogger/podcaster (archive: )
Rebecca Quate Dillingham has flown under the radar as a random "homeschooling mom podcaster" - but that's unfortunate because she has done several show swaps with Musonius Rufus from Identity Dixie... (archives:  and )
And Rebecca Quate Dillingham has also appeared with lesser-known personalities such as "Dr. Ed" from the neo-Confederate "Dixie Heritage Hour" ...
Even long-time extremist Boyd Cathey gushes about Rebecca as "my friend [who] takes no prisoners...she goes for the jugular!" - you can read more about Boyd here: 
Rebecca also writes for the secessionist Abbeville Institute. Here are her stories (archive: ) She writes a lot because apparently she used to be in mainstream journalism (confirming that her current journalism is fringe, thanks).
My whack-a-mole database confirms she was 'maybe' for Unite the Right, but she confirms that she decided not to attend at the last minute in this article where she describes the Charlottesville event as an "orgy of virtue signaling" by the left (archive: )
During the Identity Dixie podcast, Rebecca explains how she is very excited about the bridges she's helping to build between the "Reopen" people and her more extreme views.
By appearing on this podcast, either "Reopen the Triad" was willfully ignorant or they were complicit. Which was it? Did they know they were appearing on a white nationalist podcast or were they just desperate for a convenient platform to push their misguided views?
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